Fibre to the Business has become a commercial standard and good quality internet is highly sort after.

Active Fibre provides home users with super-fast truly uncapped & unshaped Fibre to the Home

We provide Wireless broadband Internet with speeds up to 300Mbps

Get LTE connectivity today! It's simple and easy, self-installed in-home and business connectivity.

Voice over Internet Protocol is the way of making your phone call experience more cost effective and reliable

goActive Fibre
Welcome to Active Fibre
Active Fibre is a leading connectivity provider in South Africa. Our primary services include Fibre to the Business (FTTB) and Fibre to the Home (FTTH). Additionally, we offer Wireless connectivity solutions for business and home.
We prefer to offer high speed, uncapped, unshaped services with no filtering of your traffic.
Experience super fast internet today!
Active Fibre offers you high speed internet for your home and business at a low cost. Enjoy a whole new way of working, streaming music, movies, Netflix, gaming and more.